AP Test Calculator Files

Follow the instructions to upload these files to your calculator. You can then use them during the exam. 99% sure you are even allowed to do it. Check AP calculator policy to see yourself.

“You are not required to clear your calculator’s memory before the exam.”


  1. Download the files you would like
    • Can be found Below
  2. Connect your calculator to your computer
    • Use the charging cable
    • Make sure to turn on your calculator
  3. Go to this website: https://nspireconnect.ti.com/nsc/
  4. Choose your calculator and go to transfer files from computer
  5. Select the .tns files your downloaded from here
    • Upload the files to your calculator
  6. Check in the My Documents folder of your calculator
  7. Enjoy!

SOME notes were not made by me!

They are marked as [Other Student]

Custom notes can be turned into calculator files at request.

Discord: kp101destroyer#0468
Email: prabhukrish710@gmail.com


Environmental ScienceStatisticsOther ScienceGames
APES Unit 1 Notes.tnsStats Chart [Other Student].tnsPhysics 1 Notes.tnsword guess.tns
(Discount Wordle)
APES Unit 2 Notes.tnsStats Notes [Other Student].tnsPhysics 2 Notes [Other Student].tns
APES Unit 3 Notes.tnsAP Chem formulas.tns
(Add this to MyLib folder. Make sure to go to browse files, menu, and reload libraries)
APES Unit 4 Notes.tns
APES Unit 5 Notes.tns
APES Unit 7 Notes.tns
APES Unit 8 Notes.tns
APES Unit 9 Notes.tns
APES 4 Main formulas.tns
Click on the links to download!